February 25-27, 2018
Long Beach, California

Elected officials, airports, consultants, the FAA and community members will share lessons they have learned and successes they have celebrated in their search for solutions to the impacts of NextGen noise and emissions as the Symposium focuses on ground-breaking science, legislative efforts, and community interactions being undertaken by the aviation community.

Each year CACNR representatives attend the Symposium to network, learn and bring back insights to improve our work for the Centennial Airport Community.

Click for full details of the conference.

Takeaways from U.C. Davis Noise and Emissions Symposium

FAA knows there are community concerns about noise, the FAA cares and they are acting:

  • FAA introduced the Community Involvement Manager, a new role recently created to work on a Noise Compliant Initiative that creates a portal for noise inquiries.
  • The FAA Research and Development Director has a new program, CLEEN, that is a public/private partnership to reduce aircraft noise by 32 db.
  • FAA new Platforms for Regional Consensus – keys to success: trust, agree on facts, community to stay engaged, have a Work Plan, no anger, no jargon, come up with a solution, work with FAA Regional Administrator.

The Quiet Skies Caucus was created at the start of the 114th Congress in 2014 by congressional members dedicated to reducing the impact of aircraft noise on their communities. Colorado members are Mike Coffman and Jared Polis.

Ongoing aviation health research is studying the link between aircraft noise and hypertension and other heart diseases.

FAA is conducting a study on aircraft noise and sleep disturbance and their affects on annoyance and children’s learning.